(07) 5493 4774 11 Meridian St, Bokarina QLD 4575

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care involves the emotional, social and/or spiritual support of people. This could include supporting people through pain, loss and anxiety, providing companionship or even supplying an occasional meal.

At HTK, we care for our community just as Jesus, the Good Shepherd, compassionately guided and cared for His flock. While our Rector (Priest) provides pastoral comfort, support, and guidance where needed, other members of our church community feel called to this ministry and offer their services. They are available to help you in your time of need, especially during times of grief, loneliness or illness.

If you have a pastoral care need, please contact the Church Office by email at info@nullhtkchurch.com or by phone on (07) 5493 4774.

The HTK pastoral care team provides a range of services, including:

  • home visits
  • home communion
  • provision of meals
  • hospital visits
  • personal prayer (someone praying with you)
  • prayer chain (people praying for you)
  • phone calls
  • transport to and from appointments, shopping trips
  • transport to church or community events
  • sending cards
  • companionship.

We have a caring team of wonderful people who desire to support people in their time of need.

Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd” (John 10: 11, 14)

...Shepherding involves protection, tending to needs, strengthening the weak, encouragement, feeding the flock, making provision, shielding, refreshing, restoring, leading by example to move people on in their pursuit of holiness, comforting, guiding... (refer Psalm 78: 52; Psalm 23)