(07) 5493 4774 11 Meridian St, Bokarina QLD 4575

A word from Fr. Steve

Sometimes things only seem to get worse......

We can have the paths of our lives all mapped out. We can know exactly where we are going. Yet, there are times when we too can lose our way and crash land. An investment fails and a good deal of the money in the bank is eaten up. A redundancy hits you and you are left without a firm career path. A child rebels and causes great strain on the family. A serious illness strikes and the news comes that you mightn’t reach 50 let alone retirement.

None of us are immune from getting lost. The Bible tells us that it is part of our natural human condition. When life bottoms out for us and we crash, what can we do? Some people try harder, some people try all sorts of remedies, some people try to make more money, some people take a new career path, some people cut themselves off from the child who rebelled, some people run away from their problems, some resort to alcohol or drugs. But, in all these solutions, there are no guarantees that things won’t crash again. In fact, with some of them, life can only get worse.

God saw this condition in humanity. He saw us battling on with life’s problems and challenges. So, He sent His Son Jesus to help us and rescue us and turn all of those crashes of life and make them the means by which we would find the way. He did this by His death on the cross. Jesus came to show us God’s way to live and to cope with life.

When life throws you a hard one and you crash and even burn, don’t forget that you are not alone. There is a way out. There is a way to get your life back on track again. It is by looking for that true God and true man Jesus, in the midst of your strife and following Him, out of the darkness into the light, as He leads you to the shelter of the arms of your heavenly Father who will give your life once more - direction, purpose, encouragement and fruitfulness always.